Sunday, May 25, 2014


No, not the TV show. I'm talking about actual suits. I have one but it's not a really good one. I got it off the rack before and I didn't really know what I should be looking for, how it should fit, what color to get and so on. When a friend of mine shared with me this guide to matching suits and dress shoes, I thought I'd share it here as well.

photo courtsey of Business Insider

I'm not sure if this applies to the Philippines where people don't wear suits a lot. It says that the recommended first suit you should get is a charcoal, navy, or gray suit but most Pinoys I know get a black one first. In any case, I've been thinking about getting a new suit so I will most likely use this as a reference guide.

Also interesting is what kind of shoes to match with which suit. As I am not really familiar with the what an Oxford shoe is and how it differs from a Derby, I had to search online to figure it out. Here's a pretty interesting summary. Despite this, I'm still not sure I can pull off wearing a suit and matching it with shoes that are not black. But who knows, maybe one of these days I will give it a go and see what it looks like. :)

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