Saturday, January 14, 2012

It's more fun in the Philippines

Recently, a website called 'It's more fun in the Philippines' was launched. It's an interesting, if not controversial, tourism marketing campaign. My friend says its dangerous to say 'more fun in the Philippines' because it automatically raises comparisons with other countries, and this could be counter-productive.

However, I do think that it is precisely that conversation of whether it really is more fun here that will somehow help us. When most people from Western countries talk about places to go in Asia or South-East Asia, the Philippines doesn't normally make it their shortlist. The buzz generated by this slogan somehow puts us in the radar. As they say, bad publicity is good publicity.

The website still doesn't have that much content so I am hoping the owners of this website continue to build it and add more useful information. It would certainly be great if more people start visiting the country and start feeling that, while a lot of things need improvement, you really can have more fun in the Philippines.

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