Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Finally, justice!

Congratulations to Uchenna and Joyce for winning the Amazing Race! Thank God Rob and Amber didn't win!!!!

I wonder though how the pilot agreed to let Uchenna and Joyce on the plane even after the door had been shut already. Rob was already laughing his evil laugh when all of a sudden the doors were opened again to let Uchenna and Joyce in. The conspiracy theory is that the producers had something to do with it, but Che told me that someone did have a similar experience before where they were let in even when the doors had been closed and the plane was just about ready to taxi. So I guess their good karma finally paid off. I am so glad the married couple didn't give up!

(Aside - I thought it was so sad that Uchenna and Joyce had great difficulty begging for money. I'd like to think it was the location and the time of day that made it hard for them to find people willing to part with their money. However, in the past, I never saw a Caucasian team have difficulty raising funds by begging. In fact, I recall 'Hellboy' and his partner in last season (what were their names?) raise something like $1200 from begging. Meredith and Gretchen didn't seem to have problems this season either. Makes me wonder - did the fact that Uchenna and Joyce were black significantly impact their ability to raise as much money from begging?)

Btw, I didn't watch the finale (being true to my boycott-TAR7-for-letting-Rob-and-Amber-join form) until I was told that 'good guys don't always finish last.' I guess won't be boycotting TAR8 or any of the future seasons of TAR anymore. =)

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