Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Liposuction, anyone?

Inbetween the time I ran a marathon last year (end-July) and early this year, I didn't really have any exercise. Add to that 3 international trips (and mind you, it is near impossible not to gain weight whenever your international trip offers you buffet meals morning, noon, and nighttime), and well I guess it wouldn't surprise you that I gained 10lbs. So I figured that when I started my tennis lessons, I would begin to lose the weight I gained.

Every week I'd check the scale in the clinic and for some reason my weight wasn't going down. Yesterday I check again and I still hadn't lost weight. The doctor heard me lamenting my sorry state and asked me how frequently I was exercising. I said 3 times a week, and the tennis sessions I have can't exactly be compared to a walk in the park! So she asked me what I was eating and I said I was eating pretty much the same thing (although I admitted probably eating a lot more since I started playing tennis to compensate for the energy loss). So well there you go. If I want to lose weight, exercise alone won't do it. I need to go on a diet as well, which is utterly unfortunate.

Anyway, I decided to reduce the amount of dessert I have - instead of 1-2 pieces of dessert a day (cheesecake, sans rival, chocolate based cake slices etc) I am now going to have 1-2 pieces of dessert every two days. So earlier today, I got hungry at about 5pm and headed out thinking of getting a slice of French applie pie from Sugarhouse. On my way there I remembered my diet so I decided to eat corn instead (without salt and butter!). Proponents of the South Beach diet will say those are still carbs, but hey I guess that is still less fattening than a slice of French apple pie with whipped cream.

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